Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Biweekly Breakdown: Getting Stuff Done

I am craving, craving a burger. And not the free range whole wheat bun variety, but rather the brown bag wax paper wrapped may be meat (maybe not) variety. I brought lunch but...

I submitted about $500 in insurance claims yesterday. I'll need to make at least one more submission around the end of April. When I was in university, I was much less organized in terms of keeping track of cash in/cash out and it's amazing how much easier it is to file claims efficiently by keeping a record of what should come in on my "books."

A short list of what needs to be done between now and about a month from now, in the spirit of Martha Stewart's "monthly" lists:


-2008 tax return filing
-Claim work expenses
-Prep to cash pension plan
-Confirm how to eliminate bank fees
-Remind roommate about damage deposit

Moving Related

-give formal notice
-empty cupboards
-empty bathroom
-clean and store clothes
-clean and store linens
-move 90% of clothes
-clear out anything accumulated in closet
-address changes

Travel Related

-confirm insurance
-decide on luggage
-go through "travel box"* start packing
-do I need to purchase anything?
-see about return layover into weeklong stop

Work Related

-complete 'exit assignments'
-back up reference copies/important documents**
-empty email folders and copy helpful contacts**
-look into letters of reference
-prep for temporary rotation (research)
-get resumes in circulation in the area
-set up lunches with contacts

Hopefully, mapping out this list provides some concrete plans to get 'er done (as we say in these parts).

*box where I've collected small versions of toiletries and other items I thought would be useful for my trip
**allowed at my workplace.

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