Thursday, February 5, 2009

Recalculations: The Joy of Tax Season

I've prepared a few possible outcomes when everything is settled this spring. In projecting, I start conservatively and then add in potential sources - a hidden credit I can transfer to my parents here, some insurance claims there. I don't bank on them in my planning until they're in hand so if there's an unexpected delay... nothing unexpected happens.

My best-case scenario is better than I thought. I finally feel good about how money management has been going post-grad, like my efforts are paying off. On the day of my last exam ever (even though I was pretty, um, festive in school) I went out and bought a basic guide to personal finance instead of heading straight to the bar - I had planned to do this, it was symbolic.

I really feel that my financial accumen makes me a legitimate adult. I know I have a lot to learn - and what a time to learn it - but I no longer feel uncomfortable in the realm of interest rates, bank fees and tax returns. Sometimes, I even read the finance pages before the fashion section - who knew it would come to this? I'm looking forward to finishing up the paperwork for this fiscal year to put the last touches on my financial self-education (phase one).

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